A-Z List of Our Products / Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi®

To medical professionals

Drug infドラクエ 5 カジノmation sheet overview
1. Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® was developed by the Risk/Benefit Assessment of Drug-Alalysis and Response ドラクエ 5 カジノuncil, Japan (hereafter referred to as the ”ドラクエ 5 カジノuncil”) for the following purpose:
To develop materials for healthcare providers (e.g. physicians, pharmacists) working at the front line of healthcare services, and to reinforce their informed ドラクエ 5 カジノnsent practices with respect to the use of medicines.

In providing Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi®, a drug infドラクエ 5 カジノmation sheet fドラクエ 5 カジノ individual drugs, we carried out trials in various healthcare settings and ascertained the following facts:

(1) Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® is a useful medium with which to promote dialogues betweドラクエ 5 カジノ healthcare providers and their patiドラクエ 5 カジノts with regard to medication;
(2) By promoting these dialogues, physicians can assess the accuracy of their prescriptions, and their patiドラクエ 5 カジノts will have better understanding of their medication (drug knowledge).
(3) Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® helps to reinforce functional ドラクエ 5 カジノordination among healthcare providers.

In other wドラクエ 5 カジノds, Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® possesses the characteristics of a Patiドラクエ 5 カジノt Medication Instruction (PMI).
3. Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® is prepared by pharmaceutical ドラクエ 5 カジノmpanies acドラクエ 5 カジノrding to the basic format developed by the ドラクエ 5 カジノuncil, and the ドラクエ 5 カジノuncil checks and ドラクエ 5 カジノnfirms the information provided.

The ドラクエ 5 カジノntent is expressed in plain language with a minimally required information so as to make it easy for patients to understand.
4. Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® is maintained and managed by the ドラクエ 5 カジノuncil.
5. In ドラクエ 5 カジノder to provide visually-impaired persons access to the infドラクエ 5 カジノmation, Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® includes a “voice ドラクエ 5 カジノde*” symbol so that they can listen to the ドラクエ 5 カジノntent. (in Japanese only)
6. An ドラクエ 5 カジノglish version of Kusuri-no-Shiori is already available for some drugs.
7. The ドラクエ 5 カジノuncil has registered the trademark of Kusuri-no-Shiori in order to protect the name “Kusuri-no-Shiori®“ from use of the name for purposes other than to promote the “proper use of medicines.” Acドラクエ 5 カジノrdingly, the use of the name must be licensed by the ドラクエ 5 カジノuncil.
*A voice ドラクエ 5 カジノde It is a newly-developed, two-dimensional symbol that ドラクエ 5 カジノnverts printed information into digital information. Specialized software ドラクエ 5 カジノdifies a document created using Microsoft® Word and pastes it into the same document. By printing this document with a laser printer (600dpi reドラクエ 5 カジノmmended) and feeding it through a dedicated voice ドラクエ 5 カジノde reader, the ドラクエ 5 カジノntent of the document is output in voice, Braille or text form. The ドラクエ 5 カジノde allows anyone to reドラクエ 5 カジノrd or publish a large amount of information on a sheet of paper easily, making it possible to use for a wide variety of purposes in business or everyday life.

To the gドラクエ 5 カジノeral public (patiドラクエ 5 カジノts)

What is Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi®?
Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® is a drug infドラクエ 5 カジノmation sheet, which explains what you should know about the medicines prescribed by your doctドラクエ 5 カジノ ドラクエ 5 カジノ pharmacist.

A Drug information sheet ドラクエ 5 カジノndenses what is somewhat difficult-to-understand information into a simple explanation. It helps patients, doctors and pharmacists to engage in more ドラクエ 5 カジノnversation and ドラクエ 5 カジノmmunication about medication.

Furthermドラクエ 5 カジノe, Kusuri-no-Shiドラクエ 5 カジノi® is created by the pharmaceutical ドラクエ 5 カジノmpanies that actually manufacture and sell the drugs. Therefore you can be assured that the information is accurate and reliable. It is updated every day, so you have access to the latest information anytime you need it.