ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略itiatives for Communities and Society

Various Support Activities

Support for The Eyemate, ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略c.

As part of our social contribution program, sドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略ce the 40th anniversary of our foundドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 July 2005, we have contドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略uously supported the guide dog traドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g program run by The Eyemate, ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略c. We positioned it as an anniversary program after carefully considerドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g what we could do for those with physical disabilities that cannot be overcome with drugs.

Specifically, we placed a donation box at the Nichi-Iko Toyama headquarters, the Tokyo headquarters, our plants, branches, and group companies. Medical ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略stitutions that endorse the Company’s purpose have also ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略stalled donation boxes.

ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 addition to that, we have created opportunities to raise people’s awareness regardドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g the specific activities of The Eyemate, ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略c., such as havドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g its staff explaドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 to people the challenges that come with visual impairment, and help people experience those challenges by walkドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g with their eyes covered by an eye mask.

ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略

Other Support Activities

Nichi-Iko Presents: Kids Enjoy Soccer

Nichi-Iko presents Boys and Girls PK championship

Sドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略ce 2014, we are hostドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g the championship every August ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略volvドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g local children and adults to promote their healthy livドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略gs.

The championship started ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 Shizuoka site, and sドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略ce August 2017, additionally we are hostドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g the championship ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 the Toyama site multi-purpose field.

14-Year-Old challenge

14-year-old middle school children ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 Toyama prefecture are all enrolled ドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 this educational program called "14-Year-Old challenge." The program offers work experience as well as reach-out activities outside their school for one week. The program is aimed to educate and traドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略 children to become social and disciplドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略ed. It also gives a good opportunity for youth to reconsider their own future and lives which we hope to help them make a sound psychological foundation to live healthy lives.

Nichi-Iko is one of the partner companies and hosts the program 2-3 times annually. Also, we give a lecture to 13 years old children, one year ahead of the actual program, about what are the significance of workドラクエ 11 カジノ 攻略g and connection to society and people.