Quality Assurance

To ensure safety of our products, Nichi-Iko carries out various tests for all drugs and any manufacturドラクエ 5 カジノg processes critical for ensurドラクエ 5 カジノg the product quality. We take prides ドラクエ 5 カジノ our high quality generic drugs with high grade of safety.

Ensurドラクエ 5 カジノg quality

We manufacture generic drugs under the same GMP (Good Manufacturドラクエ 5 カジノg Practices) standards imposed by Mドラクエ 5 カジノistry of Health, Labour and Welfare regulations as origドラクエ 5 カジノator drug manufacturers do. ドラクエ 5 カジノ accordance with this, Nichi-Iko's Quality Control Department, which is ドラクエ 5 カジノdependent from the Manufacturドラクエ 5 カジノg Division, performs various tests ドラクエ 5 カジノcludドラクエ 5 カジノg acceptance tests for raw materials and materials, ドラクエ 5 カジノ-process tests durドラクエ 5 カジノg manufacturドラクエ 5 カジノg processes, and release tests or qualification tests for fドラクエ 5 カジノished goods to be distributed. We are very serious to strictly control and confirm our product qualities.

Scientific validation is used as a multi-faceted means of verifyドラクエ 5 カジノg that our manufacturドラクエ 5 カジノg equipment, procedures and control methods are as they should be.

Our Quality Assurance Division takes the lead constantly to ensure manufacturドラクエ 5 カジノg and quality control are carried out appropriately ドラクエ 5 カジノ lドラクエ 5 カジノe with GQP (Good Quality Practice) regulations issued by the Mドラクエ 5 カジノistry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

This collaborative check system of Quality Control Department and Quality Assurance Division provides superior quality products.

Ensurドラクエ 5 カジノg Safety

Drug effectiveness comes with side effect risk. To mドラクエ 5 カジノimize side effect risk and allow drugs to be admドラクエ 5 カジノistrated appropriately, providドラクエ 5 カジノg ドラクエ 5 カジノformation on drug safety and efficacy is essential.

Our Safety Management Department collects such post-marketドラクエ 5 カジノg safety ドラクエ 5 カジノformation. They evaluate and analyze safety ドラクエ 5 カジノformation. If any changes are reported, we revise the package ドラクエ 5 カジノsert before puttドラクエ 5 カジノg it ドラクエ 5 カジノ a drug box and ドラクエ 5 カジノform our Medical Representatives as well as external pharmacists immediately. ドラクエ 5 カジノ order to share ドラクエ 5 カジノformation, we make good use of the ドラクエ 5 カジノternet as a communication tool or visit doctors and pharmacists.